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  加国佛教会湛山精舍The Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple





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      Living with Wisdom——Chinese traditional culture blooms in North America for 50 years










      会议地点是在泰国有300多年历史的Wat Maheyong(红玛寺)举办。



    The Future is at the Present
    加拿大佛教会 释达义
    Ven.Dayi Shi



      The Buddhist Association of Canada




      Buddhism’s perspective on “Cause and Effect” is the best explanation for the idealism that “the Future is at the Present”.








      Present decisions determine the future. Therefore, the future effect is caused by the present.



    Part 1:Such as it is the Cause, it is the Effect
    1.Buddhism’s Law of Causation





      Buddhism constantly refers to the unity of the past, the present and the future. It advocates that whatever method or school of practising Buddhism, they all have one common denominator – which is the concept that “such as it is the Cause, it is the Effect”.


      有因就会有一个果,种善因就有善果 ,种恶因就有恶报,种富贵的因就有一个富贵的果,种长寿的因,就有一个长寿的果,总之,种什么因就有什么果。


      Where there is a Cause, there is an Effect. You reap what you sow.


      种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆,一切都是人的心念在作怪。行动是证明你心里所想的东西,所以一切唯心造 。在现实生活中,就像我们在天空看到的是一朵云,你把它想成莲花就是莲花,想成动物就是动物。有什么意念就会有什么举动,就会有什么变化。


      You reap what you sow – it all stems from your mind. Actions reflect your mind’s thoughts; hence all phenomena are manifestation of the mind. For example, if we look up at a cloud in the sky and imagine it to be a lotus, it will become a lotus. You imagine it to be an animal, it will become an animal. Your thoughts become your action which becomes the change in perception.








      As stated in the Abhidharmakosakarika (Chapter 6):


      “Of all the causations, which cause is the preceding origin for which effect?


      Verses proclaimed: “What follows the ripening karmic effect, is the preceding dominating cause”.




      According to Buddhism’s Law of Causation, karma is the root cause of all positive and negative things that happen to mankind. Positive action will create more joy whereas negative action will create more suffering.



    2. Causality/Causation



      因果关系(英语:Causality 或 Causation)是一个事件(即“因”)和第二个事件(即“果”)之间的作用关系,其中后




      Causality, or Causation, is the interplay between one event (the Cause) and another event (the Effect), with the latter event being deemed as the result of the former event.




      Usually, a particular event is the end result of the interplay between many causative factors, which usually occurs before the event. The event itself can also be the causative factor for future events.


      一般来说,因果还可以指一系列因素(因)和一个现象(果)之间的关系。对某个结果产生影响的任何事件都是该结果的一个因素。直接因素是直接影响结果的因素,也即无需任何介入因素。从这个角度来讲,因果之间的关系也可以称为因果关联(Causal Nexus)。


      In general, Causation can also refer to the relationship between a series of Causes and one phenomenon (Effect). Anything that influences the end result is a Cause of that result.




      Cause and Effect is usually related to change or occurrence of an event. This includes changes to the object, the process, the quality, the quantity and the condition. Buddhism and western philosophers such as Aristotle had been examining the concept of Causation for almost 2,000 years. Today, it is still an important topic in the area of philosophy.



    Part 2:Causation is Ubiquitous





      Causation is ubiquitous in our every day lives. Causation is an inalienable concept in the field of finances, laws, medicine, physics, statistics, philosophy, religion, and many other areas of studies.




      Example 1: Causation in Buddhist History






      The religion of Buddhism was founded in the 6th century B.C. by Siddhārtha Gautama. It is one of the 3 most common religions in the world, along with Christianity and Islam.










      In Chinese, the word for “Buddhism” is comprised of the character “佛”and “教”. “佛” refers to Buddha, or the “enlightened one”. “教” means religion, or teaching. Together, it denotes the Buddha’s wish to teach mankind. Buddhism generally focuses on the clarity and awakening of the mind, and it believes that the world is a cycle of cause and effect. Only through the awakening of our true nature can one transcend Samsara (i.e. cycle of life, death and reincarnation). Buddhism develops into various schools of teachings only after the Nirvana of Sakyamuni Buddha.






      As such, the Cause of Buddhism is the birth of Buddha, and the Effect is the propagation of the Buddhist religion after the transcendence of Buddha.




      Example 2: Causation in the Three Main Schools of Buddhism




      Since the era of Asoka the Great, Buddhism had been spreading from India to the north and the south. To the North, via the north of India up to Xinjiang and into China, is mainly the Mahayana school of Buddhism (which includes Chinese Buddhism and Vajrayana). To the south, through Sri Lanka to Burma, Thailand, Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia and the South of Vietnam, is mainly the Theravada school of Buddhism. Now, Buddhism has propagated to every corner of the world, forming the Three Main Schools of Buddhism.



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      From this, it can be seen that the geographic propagation of Buddhism is the Cause, and the formation of the Three Main Schools of Buddhism is the Effect.


      The Buddhist Association of Canada




      Example 3: Causation of Environmental Change






      According to statistics, from 1970 to now, the world population has doubled, and the world economy enjoyed a quadruple growth. Global trade also grew by ten fold.




      In order to satisfy the physical needs of modern society, the world’s vegetation is being depleted at an astonishing rate due to lumbering, particularly in tropical areas. From 1980 to 2000, the world has lost 1 billion tonnes of tropical forest, which was used particularly in South America for live stock farming and Southeast Asia for palm oil plantations.




      As such, mankind’s act in improving quality of life is the Cause, but the Effect of environmental damage will have to be faced by all of us. Mankind, instriving for better living, destroyed the environment, and led to the present day’s irreversible negative effect.




      Despite economic development and improved capability to cope, we are looking at a worldwide, man-made destructive force that worsens with time.




      What is pushing us towards self-destruction is not others, but ourselves, with our technology. The dissolution of civilization is the flipside of social development.




      Dissolution of civilization is inevitable. History shows us that any civilization can be destroyed. However, we now enjoy a unique advantage to learn from their mistakes.




      The nature is the original home of mankind. Mankind’s development and survival is dependent on the natural environment and natural resources. As mankind starts to utilize and control nature, it upsets the balance between man and nature, slowly turning it into an adversarial relationship, such as environmental damage, destroying the ecosystem and over depletion of natural resources, etc. This is the best example of mankind acting in the present without sufficient consideration of its future effect!










      As it can be seen, the Effect of the future is formed by today’s Cause. It is also a clear illustration to the concept of “such as it is the Cause, it is the Effect”.


      Hence, the concept of Causation in Buddhism is ever present in our daily lives!



    Part 3: The Path of our Future is Dependent on the Cause at the Present Moment





      The Buddha is not a deity. This is the uniqueness of Buddhism compared to other religions. Creators of other religions are usually omnipotent deities who controls the future of mankind. In contrast, the founder of Buddhism, Siddhārtha Gautama believes that mankind is responsible for their own fate. His achievement, enlightenment and accomplishments are all the result of his own transcendental wisdom and hardwork. The fate of a person is up to his own conduct and diligence. Nobody can promote you to heaven or put you into hell. One can attain “Buddha hood” if they diligently purify their mind and conduct, accumulate whole some deeds and perfect their wisdom.




      The Dharma also provides us with many principles to live by. Life is full of changes. One moment we are at the peak of our lives, with fame and fortune, the next moment, we may be plunged into the depths of despair. On the other hand, when we are at the depths of despair, the Dharma can show us the path back to joy.




      Our perception of the world is ever-changing and nothing is ever static. Everything is based on the concept of Cause and Effect.




      One good example is the Law of Impermanence. “Impermanence”, on its surface, looks like the cause of pain in our lives because impermanence means we cannot be forever young, happy and healthy and can turn for the worse at anytime. However, the flipside is that life can also get better. As such, through practising Buddhism, we can gain the wisdom to change our perception of ourselves and the world. Therefore, Causation is also dependent on our perception at the present moment.



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      Buddhism frequently mention the concept of sentient beings in the Six Realms of Rebirth Existence. The three better realms (the Upper Realms) are the realms of the Gods & Deities, Human and Asuras. The three worse realms (the Lower Realms) are the realms of the Hungry Ghosts, Hell and Animals. The realm where one reincarnates is dependent on the summation of all the Cause and Effects prior to this moment. “What goes around, comes around”. In Buddhist terms, this is known as“Causation and Karma”.




      “Karma” is an important concept in Buddhism. It is the basic element to Causation. In Buddhism, there is no omnipotent god or deity that decides one’s fate or where one goes after death, whether one goes to heaven or hell. In Buddhism, everything is the result of our own conduct and our interaction with other sentient beings.




      As such we are masters of our own fate. Buddhism calls it “Causation and Karma”. Karma is the main Cause of reincarnation, which is ever changing as a result of our conduct and behaviour. As such, Karmic Effect does not only refer to the Effect of this life, but it also incessantly extends to the next life.



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    Conclusion: We can see all of the world’s oceans in one droplet of water, and all of the world’s lands in one grain of sand. Mankind lives in the same shared earth and shares the same fate. Human history is constantly developing from the interactions of different cultures and races.



    The Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple