

发布: 2019-11-20 01:53:04   作者: 本网讯   来源: 本网讯   



Theories and Practices of Various Types of Meditation










Theories and Practices of Various Types of Meditation



  Ven.Dayi Shi


  President of The Buddhist Association of Canada


  Abbot of Cham Shan Temple



目 录 Contents



  • 过去篇:禅宗历史渊源,世界文化宝藏


  Part 1: History of the “Chan” school of Buddhism – a World Cultural Gem




  Part 2: Modern “Chan”- a fusion of East and West




  Part 3: Buddhism in the future and the role of Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden in Canada



History of the “Chan” school of Buddhism – a World Cultural Gem





  •“Chan” is one of the most valuable treasures of Buddhism. It is an aspect of mankind’s strive towards inner perfection. “Chan” is not a concept unique to Buddhism and other religions also explores aspects of “Chan”.




  •Throughout the historical development of “Chan”, we can see that “Chan” existed even before the birth of Buddhism. “Chan” played an important role in the Enlightenment of Lord Buddha and the development of Buddhism there after. As such, Buddhism places a lot of emphasis on “Chan” and the perpetual study and practice of “Chan” by Venerable Buddhist monks throughout the ages help preserve this important cultural treasure for mankind.




  •From as early as Han Dynasty in China,Venerable Monks such as An Shigao, Kumārajīva and Buddhabhadra started translating Buddhist classics scriptures relating to the practice of“Chan”. One notable example is Venerable An Shigao’s translation of the An apanasati Sutra, where he systematically described “counting breaths” as a way of meditating. This is the earliest example of Chinese Buddhist classic scriptures referring to the concept of meditation.


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    安士高 An Shigao


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    鸠摩罗什 Kumārajīva


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    佛陀跋陀罗 Buddhabhadra







      • Other notables “Chan” scriptures include the Lankavatara Sutra, which the “father of Chan Buddhism”, Bodhidharma, based his teachings upon; and the “Platform Sutra” of Sixth Patriarch Huineng. Elements of “Chan” can also be found in Tibetan scriptures.


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      Sixth Patriarch Huineng






      •As such, it can be seen that “Chan”, just like Buddhism, originated from India and flourished in China, forming what is known as “Chinese Chan”, which significantly influenced Chinese culture and society for the last thousand years.






      •The modern Tiantai school of Buddhism practices the concept of “Zhiguan”, which although advocates different methodology from traditional “Chan”, but is nonetheless essentially different paths to the same destination of Enlightenment.


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    Part 2: Modern “Chan”- a fusion of East and West







      •Throughout the 2600 years of Buddhist history, Buddhism spread northerly to Tibet, southerly to Southeast Asia, and easterly to Japan and Korea.


      •Today, Buddhism is crossing the Atlantic and spreading to the West – to North America.




      •In the late-19th century, Buddhism was first acknowledged in American culture. At that time, this foreign and romantic concept intrigued many American philosophers, poets and artists, as well as world religion academics.




      •Chan Buddhism institutions started popping up all across North America and Europe. One reason for its widespread popularity is because no matter what school of Buddhism is being practiced, the common thread concept of “Chan” is still adopted as a format for teaching and spreading Buddhism, and the practice of meditation was used as the first step to propagating the Dharma.




      •Slowly, “Chan” became a widespread concept in every day life and helps introduce the religion of Buddhism to the mainstream public.








      •According to the official statistics of the United States of America, there are more than 400,000 Buddhist believers and participants, which forms about 1.5% of the total US population. There are also more than 2,000 Buddhist organizations in America.


      •Times Magazine even used American’s passion for Buddhism as one of its cover stories.




      •Buddhist philosophy also appeared in New Age religions, literature, psychology, medicine and even in the fields of sports and commerce.


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      •Steve Jobs was also an avid Buddhist practitioner who frequently practices meditation and even once entertained the thought of being ordained as a monk. The Buddhist concept of “Ming Xin Jian Xing”, which can be roughly translated as “finding one’s true self through clear mind”, enlightened Steve Jobs in the concept of life and death.


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      •His Apple products, such as the plain white laptop, or the rose gold mobile phone, are also lauded as having infused the concept of “Chan” and created a breakthrough in the traditionally “boring” impression of the electronic world, thereby gaining worldwide popularity. This is due to Steve Jobs being a “Chan” practitioner. Most of his product and marketing decisions are made in the depth of meditation.


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      •Buddhism is also welcomed and practiced by people of all culture and background. Buddhist schools and meditation institutions created by Asians and Americans alike, all provided quality mental health care services and attracts more and more mainstream interest.




      •In today’s Canada, Buddhist Meditation has become a scientific form of healthy living life style. This allowed Buddhism to enter our lives even though its practitioners may not be associated with the Buddhist religion.




      •In the hustle and bustle of the high stress, modern-day living, it is difficult for us to find peace within our hearts. “Chan” became a magic pill for one to get in touch with their inner peace, thereby achieving relaxation and joy.


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    Series of events hosted by The Buddhist Association of Canada:



      • 1. 加拿大佛教会『一日禅』The Buddhist Association of Canada’s “One Day Chan”


      • 2. 在多伦多大学讲禅 Lecture on “Chan” at the University of Toronto


      • 3. 进入社区教禅修 Teaching Meditation in the Community


      • 4.市长来湛山学坐禅 The Mayor Attending Cham Shan Temple for Meditation Class


      • 5.首届禅七 First Session of “7-day Meditation Retreat”


      • 6.拥抱多元文化 ——加拿大在校学生到湛山精舍学习


      Embracing multiculturalism – Canadian students attending Cham Shan Temple


      • 7.警察到湛山精舍学习 Toronto Police Attending Cham Shan Temple for Education


      • 8. 湛山开展多元文化宗教互访活动 Cham Shan Temple’s multiculturalism activities


      • 9.三国佛教论坛以禅论道 China-Canada-USA Buddhism Forum using “Chan” as Theme


      1.加拿大佛教会『一日禅』 The Buddhist Association of Canada’s “One Day Chan”


      •加拿大佛教会一年一度的『一日禅』活动在风景优美,环境幽静的湛山禅院举行。自 2005年开始,加拿大佛教会湛山精舍每年举办一次大型的『一日禅』活动,到今年是第十四届了。坚持不懈,完全免费,吸引了越来越多的佛教修行者和其他爱好者,使很多人受益。


      • Since 2005, the Buddhist Association of Canada had been holding the “One Day Chan” annually at the picturesque Cham Shan Meditation Centre. This year marks its 14th anniversary. It is free to all participants and attracts more and more participants every year.


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      •Below is a testimonial from Man, a University of Toronto student, who joined the most recent 2019 “One Day Chan”:


      •“This is my first experience of meditation. I have never participated in similar activities before and only knows a tiny bit about meditation, so I just want to talk about my personal experience. When I first started meditating, all is well, my breathing and heartbeat was like a pond without ripples. I felt very relaxed.


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      •However, after a few minutes, my body starts swaggering and my back starts aching. Only my mental perseverance kept me going. After a whole day of training, I felt that physical exhaustion can be easily relieved, but mental exhaustion is difficult to diffuse. Meditation is the answer. I have now developed a strong interest in Chan and look forward to the next meditation session.”




      •“One Day Chan” is held in the wilderness. Through meditation and mindfulness, the sound of nature, be it the fluttering of the creek or the rustling of the leaves on trees, all taps into our inner nature and leads us to be one with our surrounding, thereby relieving us of any negative feelings. Venerable Dayi Shi tells us that, when we have a good grasp of the concept of “Chan”, we can meditate anywhere, even at home, when we walk, sit or sleep.


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      2.在多伦多大学讲禅 Lecture on “Chan” at the University of Toronto


      •2019年4月2日,加拿大佛教会会长湛山精舍住持达义大和尚应邀到多伦多大学EMMANUEL College(宗教学院)讲禅。


      •On April 2nd, 2019, the Abbot of the Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple was invited to teach at Emmanuel College at the University of Toronto.


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      •Ven. Dayi Shi gave a public lecture on “Meditation and Mental Health”. Ven.Dayi Shi gave a brief demonstration on how to meditate and discussed the topic of “Chan” and how it helps improve our mental health, allowing the participants to understand more about the relationship between “Chan” and mental health.


      3.进入社区教禅修 Teaching Meditation in the Community


      • 2014年5月,加拿大居民欢迎佛教文化进入其社区。加拿大佛教会湛山精舍筹建加国佛教五台山,引起了当地居民极大的兴趣和关注。当地一位有影响力的祖居五代的居民发起了欢迎湛山的活动,受到了当地480多位居民和市政府的响应。


      • In May 2014, Canadian residents welcome Buddhist culture into its community. The Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple unveiled its plan to build the Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden in Peterborough, which piqued the interest of many local residents. An influential 5th generation local residenthosted a welcoming event for Cham Shan and attracted the support of its 480 local residents as well as the Township.




      •On May 3rd, the residents welcomed Cham Shan Temple and its delegates to a banquet and invited Ven. Dayi Shi to deliver an English lecture on meditation, further allowing local residents to understand more about Buddhist culture. Ven. Dayi Shi also hoped to use meditation as a vehicle to localize Buddhism. Using Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden as a venue for cultural exchange and inter action, the public can gain access to and obtain further understanding of traditional Chinese culture.


      4.市长来湛山学坐禅 The Mayor Attending Cham Shan Temple for Meditation Class


      •2016年10月20日,旺市的市长贝维拉夸(Maurizio Bevilacqua)先生,与市议员杨士渟(Sandra Yeung Racco)女士等来到加拿大佛教会学习禅修。达义大和尚为其讲解了禅修的基本要领。




      • On October 20th, 2016, Vaughn mayor Mr.Maurizio Bevilacqua and Councillor Sandra Yeung Racco visited Cham Shan Temple to attend meditation class. Ven. Dayi Shi explained the basics of meditation.


      •The Mayor stated that he achieved calmness and relaxation after just ten minutes of meditation and would be happy to spend some time to attend future meditation sessions at Cham Shan Temple.


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      5.首届禅七 First Session of “7-day Meditation Retreat”




      •The week of June 14th – 20th, 2015, is a remarkable day in the history of Chinese Mahayana Buddhism in North America and also marks the first chapter of Chan Buddhism in Canada.


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      •The Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple invited 10 venerable monks of Jinshan Temple in China to lecture on the ancient thousand-year old practice utilized at Jianshan Temple’s meditation hall. Under the helpful guidance of Ven. Dayi Shi, more than a hundred students spent a week to learn and experience first-hand the rules and practice methodology utilized atthe ancient and venerable temple. At the end of the week, all the participants went home feeling blessed and joyous.




      •This marks the first time that Cham Shan Temple held the “7-day Meditation Retreat” and the first time a Buddhist temple in Canada utilized the ancient Chinese method of meditation practice.




      Embracing multiculturalism – Canadian students attending Cham Shan Temple




      •The Buddhist Association of Canada had long been the cradle for enthusiasts of Buddhist culture. Regardless of whether one wishes to learn about Buddhist culture or meditation, all are welcomed at Cham Shan Temple.


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      •Every week, Cham Shan Temple would welcome students from all over Toronto to visit and learn. The Temple had become a popular spot for high school students wishing to learn more about Buddhist culture. As such, Cham Shan Temple had been designated as the Board of Education’s designated Buddhist Culture training centre.


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      7.多伦多警察到湛山精舍学习 Toronto Police Attending Cham Shan Temple for Education




      •Since its establishment in 1968, apart from its religious mandate, Cham Shan Temple has also been the epicentre for Buddhist cultural development and exchange.


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      •To assist the public in learning more about Chinese culture, Cham Shan Temple periodically invite officers of the Toronto Police Service to the Temple for training on Buddhism and “Chan” culture. The presence of teams of officers at the Temple became a unique sighting. Many officers are now enthusiasts of Buddhist culture and regularly attends Cham Shan Temple to learn meditation, listen to the sound of the Buddhist bells and to enjoy the vegetarian cuisine.


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      8.湛山精舍开展多元文化宗教互访活动 Cham Shan Temple’s multiculturalism activities




      •The Buddhist Association of Canada Cham Shan Temple had always been the forerunner of propagating Buddhist faith in North America. All the past abbots placed heavy emphasis on community activities and cultural exchange.


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      •On the 23th of June, 2019, Ven. Dayi Shi kick started a series of multicultural programs at the Cham Shan Temple. This not only contributes to the Canadian value of multiculturalism but also helps propagate the Buddhist faith by opening up the door of Buddhism to people of all culture and background.


      9.三国佛教论坛以禅论道 China-Canada-USA Buddhism Forum using “Chan” as Theme


      • 2019年10月中旬,在美国联合国大厦召开第二届三国佛教论坛主题为:“觉悟在人间—禅的精神与实践脉络”。


      • In mid-October 2019, the second China-Canada-USA Buddhism Forum was held at the United Nations Building in USA. Its theme – “Enlightenment in Mankind: the spirit and implementation of “Chan””.


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      •There were 4 main topics explored in the Forum: Awakening of “Chan” and Freedom; history of implementing “Chan”; “Chan”culture in modern life; and propagation of Chinese “Chan”. This shows clearly that “Chan” is a common topic amongst everyone.


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      •Ven. Dayi Shi believes “Chan” is actually the Asian equivalent of the study of psychology. It is a study of human instinct and behaviour, as well as a study of the methods for clearing our minds, relieving negative feelings and achieving enlightenment. Ven. Dayi Shi aims to explore new ways of propagating Buddhism, by detaching it from the traditional method of learning from Chinese scriptures. This allows non-Chinese speakers to enter the world of Buddhism as well.



    第二部分 结语 Part 2 Concluding Remarks





      •On October 5th, 2019, the Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden of Canada hosted the Completion Ceremony of the Dharma Hall and the Consecration ceremony of Buddhist statues. This showcases Buddhism’s entrance into the global theatre, since not only is it the pride of Canadians but it is also a place for the world to learn about multiculturalism, Buddhism and the concept of “Chan”.

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    Part 3: Buddhism in the future and the role of Wutai Shan in Canada





      •In June 1967, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Canada, the World Expo was held in Montreal. Venerable Master Sing Hung and the Late Venerable Master Shing Cheung, were invited by the Late Venerable Master Lok To, who was at that time in America, to travel to Canada from Hong Kong to visit the World Expo. They also took this opportunity to propagate Han Buddhism in Canada and established the first Buddhist organization as well as the first Buddhist Temple in Canada. They became the three founding members of The Buddhist Association of Canada.


      •禅,一直是他们教导四众弟子修行的重点。“禅净双修” 到今天依然是湛山精舍各道场秉持的一个原则。长期的弘法实践告诉我们,禅是对海外华人和当地西人最有吸引力的一个科目。


      • “Chan” had always been the focus of their teachings to their disciples and is a principle that survives to this day. Our experience tells us that “Chan” is the most attractive concept for overseas Chinese and locals.




      •Ven.Taixu once said: “Chinese Buddhism’s uniqueness is in “Chan”. “Chan” is Buddhism steeped in Chinese culture and is the strength of Han Buddhism. We must take advantage of this historic fact and widely publicize “Chan” so that everyone can benefit from the experience of “Chan” and further experience the Buddhist blessing, and eventually step into the path of a Buddhist student.”




      •By studying the history of Buddhism and its propagation, we can appreciate that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for propagation of Buddhism in the Western world. As such, the Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden of Canada must utilize the platform of multiculturalism in Canada to facilitate cultural exchange between the East and the West and to share the core values of Buddhism with the world. Although Buddhism in North America is experiencing vigorous growth, this is just the beginning and we believe that in the future, the Buddhist Association of Canada will become the epicentre for the study and implementation of “Chan”.


      •薪火相传,各有其命。夙兴夜寐,不敢懈怠。加拿大佛教会将继往开来,以前辈大德崇高的使命感、勇于开拓的进取精神、坚韧不拔的意志为榜样,以世间众生为念,为人类世界的和平与发展为己任,脚踏实地推进以中国传统文化为背景、以佛陀智慧为主体的汉传佛教在海外的传播,以此为人类造福!•The Buddhist Association of Canada carries with it the responsibility of its predecessor to continue the mandate of propagating the Chinese Buddhist wisdom beyond China and promote betterment of mankind! •随着加拿大五台山的建设,我们有理由相信,中国汉传佛教的新一轮世界性传播,将通过加拿大五台山的大殿落成,一定会更加辉煌,必将为世界和平、社会可持续发展,做出佛教的特殊贡献!•Following the construction of the Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden, we believe that Han Buddhism will undergo another round of global widespread. This will surely allow Buddhism to play an important role in promoting world peace and social development!


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    Thank You
    Welcome to Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden in Canada


