The sound of silence


发布: 2018-07-26 17:43:50   作者: Sashar Zarif   来源: 本网讯   



The sound of silence
By Sashar Zarif



  I feel a fresh breeze in the air,


  It's calling the part of me that cannot be defined.



  The energy flows down my body and up again,


  flashing and tingling all over this abandoned internal realm.


  These awakened sensations bring good news for my reality, I know!



  And at the gates of my ego palace,


  amidst the limited vastness of an illusive maze,


  the unleashed mind is standing on guard,


  singing the tormented anthem of a polyphonic lost cause,


  clasping the torch of darkness, dousing the light,


  holding my suffering skeleton and flesh hostage.



  What a journey this crazy tiger mind of mine has been taking me on!


  Not a second is lost without its insidious presence,


  cursing every second out of my life.



  And from that delusion I want to wake up!


  want to unite with my emptiness,


  the voidness that is more real than my name,


  and all that stand for, to others and to myself.


  Now I know the value of the silence between the seconds!



  "Trust your experience more than your senses ."he says.


  And later with an innocence of a little Buddha he smiles.


  The smile reminds me to "trust the meaning not the language".


  And as soon as my heart has surrendered to his nature,


  he points to the dharma and says,


  "Trust the path not the person."



  Five days out of life,


  five rocks thrown in this river,


  baptized to emancipate,


  hesitantly surrender to the current,


  embracing the uncertainty and the hardship


  rejoicing every smash,


  and mortified through each fragmentation,


  hoping to arrive to the ocean,


  but only as grains!



  Attempting for serenity,


  l close my eyes fearfully yet excited,


  hoping to have a chance to reclaim a drop of awareness within,


  and experience a flash of heaven as it comes,


  remembering that "light is the function of the lamp, and so is wisdom to meditation".



  I sit here to meet stillness,


  to get lost in my emptiness,


  like a drop to an ocean.



  I sit here to salute reality, to uncover the wisdom,


  to fight the delusion of ego,


  my self-igniting mind,


  my fragile affair have called happiness, and the never ending cavalcade of rebirth.



  The strong current of the river,


  falls down these cliffs of uncertainty,


  and I wonder where I have gone wrong.


  I recall myself in the mirror of my mind,


  and with each breath of Amitaba's magical sacred name,


  in the midst of my struggle for stillness,


  the mirror dissolves in the vastness of infinity.


  Interrogating the illusive self.



  A young master, with the same heavenly smile,


  re-emerges out of this restless current,


  unleashed from all that existential delusion,


  with a smile as big as an ocean,


  as free as the wind,


  as grounded as the earth,


  as passionate as the sun,


  and as pure as water.


  A smile that in whose presence, have no choice than to surrender, and to drop all that is,


  so that I can find all that is not.



  Single minded in dedication and wanting just to be,


  watering the seed planted in my nature,


  now depart again,


  wearing the misunderstood flattery l have been used to.



  Let it be the stabbing of glory that brings out the purity of the unprecedented,pre mortal, understandably unfortunate self,


  the wondering eyes,


  the hungry mouth ,


  the distressed ears,


  the forgotten touch,


  the overreacted action,


  the overwhelmingly lost feeling,


  the egotistical awareness.


  and of course the destructive thought.



  The wonder of that smile rescues me again.


  It sweeps me away from this illusion,


  towards purity,


  to the shores of reality,


  and the precious emptiness that carry within.



  The crazy tiger mind,


  never rests in the playful, illusive, progression of courting and bending,


  never relies on the suddenness of mystery。



  The Buddha within needs awakening!


  I need to listen to the sound of silence.



  Cham Shan Temple /five day retreat May 1, 2017






















































  多么宝贵啊 这瞬间的寂静。





  他告诉我: “依智不依识”,


  又提醒我: “依义不依语”,




  他说法指点: “依法不依人”。















































  急湍的水流, 落下莫测的悬崖危坡,










  数息入静之时 镜中影像渐渐模糊了,消失了,







































































