Purple Yam and Corn Soup


Publish: 2016-09-12 19:36:41   Author: Cham Shan Temple   Source: Cham Shan Temple   



---- Recipe is provided by Wutai Vegetarian Restaurant



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    Corn Kernels: 1 small bowl


    Chopped White Fungi: small amount


    Purple Yam: 1 purple yam






    Salt: small amount


    Corn Starch: small amount


    Vegetable Soup: 1 soup bowl


    Sugar: small amount


    Cream: small amount



    Cooking Method:



    1. Peel the purple yam and steam it. Mash the steamed purple yam then set aside.


    2. Pour the vegetable soup into a pot and boil, then put corn kernels, chopped white fungi and mashed purple yam together into the pot and boil. Add a small amount of sugar and salt into the soup. At last put a small amount of corn starch and cream to the soup to make it thick and serve.