Thyme Okra Stir-Fry


Publish: 2016-11-11 09:32:55   Author: Cham Shan Temple   Source: Cham Shan Temple   



---- Recipe is provided by Wutai Vegetarian Restaurant


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    5 okra pods, sliced


    1 potato, peeled and diced


    1 red pepper, diced


    2 fresh thyme sprigs, stems removed






    Salt Small amount


    Mushroom powder Small amount


    Sugar Small amount


    Soy sauce Small amount



    Cooking Method:



    1. Wash and deep fry potato dices in hot oil and drain,


    2. Wash and drain okra slices, red pepper dices and thyme leaves,


    3. Simmer okra slices with vegetable broth. Sauté red peppers with small amount of oil in a wok till fragrant then put thyme leaves, okras, and potatoes into the wok and stir. Add a small amount of salt, mushroom powder, sugar and soy sauce, stir with a small amount of starch water and serve.